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Students'Unions at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Faculty of Dentistry(ACTA)
Faculty of Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Business
Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Law Faculty of Social Sciences

Become a member and order your textbooks at your Student Union.

Read everything about Students' Unions, and choose the Student Union from your Faculty to order your textbooks.

What is a Dutch Students’ Union?
Every Faculty at the Vrije Universiteit has its own Students’ Union. They organize a series of activities for members as fieldtrips, lectures, sports events etc. for students of the Faculty. They also sell books with a discount and give a lowest price guarantee. That’s a good reason to become a member!

Maximum Discount
Two prices are listed with each book, the first is the price you pay without membership, the second is for members of study associations. As a member, you are entitled to this maximum discount. Therefore, join the study association of your faculty.

How high is the Students’ Unions discount?
5 % discount
Books written in Dutch have a legally fixed price. These books cost the same in every (online) bookstore. By law textbooks may be sold at a discount of 5% on textbooks in the Dutch language when a student buys two different textbooks at the same time.
10 % discount
When you order your textbooks before the lectures start, you will get a 10% discount on textbooks in the Dutch language as a member of a Students’ Union.
Highest discount
As a member of a Students’ Union you receive the highest discount on all textbooks written in English from non-Dutch publishers.

Second-hand books
All Students’ Unions sell second-hand books to members. You can also sell your textbooks iva the Student Union. Another good reason to become a member.

I want to join now, what do I do?
You can join online, when you order your books. Go to the site of the Students’ Union of your Faculty and order your textbooks there.

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